How to choose my ring sizeUpdated 3 months ago
If possible, we recommend you visit our Flagship store in Dublin to be expertly measured for the correct ring size.
If this is not possible, you can visit a trusted local jeweller to be measured. Most jewellers will offer a measuring service free of charge or for a nominal fee, and will be able to confirm your perfect fit. Please do remember to tell them whether you are looking at a wide or narrow band for your ring, as this does affect the size.
We also have the tools below to help you confirm your perfect fit :
Perfect fit guide: and the
Finding the perfect fit is a very personal decision, some people prefer a looser fit and some prefer a snugger fit. It is important to remember that hands can swell and slim with temperature changes. When the hands are very warm, rings will feel more snug but should never be uncomfortably tight and when the hands are cold, rings will feel looser but should never feel so loose that they are in danger of slipping off. Ideally when the hands are at their most neutral temperature they should reflect their true size
For the ideal fit, there should be some resistance when you take your ring off, but it should wiggle gently over the widest part of your finger without too much effort.
Any ring with a larger gemstone or diamond like our Moonlights or Starlights may move on the finger, possibly even swinging a little to one side, this is simply gravity acting on the weight of the gemstone, and is completely normal.
If you are choosing a ring for someone else it may help you to gauge sizes, to know that one of our most popular and we consider to be our average Wedding Ring Finger size is a US Size 7 / N.